Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Article Marketing Secret Tips and Tricks

Article marketing has evolved a lot since the first article appeared on a website. There have been a lot of strategies that made article marketing a success. However, you must know that article marketing is only a marketing vehicle to bring quality traffic to your site and brand your product. If you mix article marketing with other marketing strategies, you will get loads of traffic and your articles will be an instant hit.

Generally, 99% of the article marketers write a few articles and put it on every article directory on the planet. This is the most common way to market your product/service while giving out quality information to people. However, putting articles on article directories is not enough since there are only a limited number of people visiting article directories to find the required information. Most of the traffic comes from Google and other search engines.

So you leave your articles in the hands of article directories and Search engines.At one time, people will stop accessing your articles and the traffic will fade away. To stir a new life in your article marketing strategy, you need to change the strategy completely. You should never limit yourself to article directories and search engines. Market your articles with every possible marketing medium on the internet.

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Following are some of the secret tips and tricks to take your article marketing to a whole new level:

Use Social Bookmarking sites - Once your upload the articles to any article directory like TRCB or EzineArticles, start the bookmarking frenzy on every major bookmarking site on the internet. Start with Stumbleupon,, and If you don't have accounts on these sites already, create accounts and start the bookmarking process.

The best traffic generator is Yahoo Buzz. Create an account on Yahoo buzz and see the traffic pouring in to read your articles. Remember to bring traffic from bookmarking sites, you need to create a compelling headline for your article and stuff it full of information.

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Remember the equation:

Grab with Headline + exclusive information x reach = Traffic Facebook/MySpace - social networking sites are the best traffic generator out there. If you don't have an account on Facebook and MySpace, you are living in the Stone Age. If you don't have many people as your friends on MySpace and Facebook, you should start friending people now. If you already have over 100 friends on Facebook and MySpace, share the link to your article with all your friends.

If they like it, they will share it with their friends and you will get amazing traffic in days rather than months.In Facebook, use the 'Share' feature to share the links to your articles with your friends. Also send them a message with links to your articles. In MySpace, use the bulletin feature to share the articles with your friends. Initiate the buzz with a word of mouth, if your article has exclusive information, it will reach to the farthest corner of the world.
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